About CASHnip Kitty
Meet Sir Whines a Lot, a rescue cat now dubbed "CASHnip Kitty" due to his unique talent. He is the office cat at GuRuStu, a marketing firm in downtown Tulsa, OK. He enjoys people-watching through the front window on 3rd Street in the East Village.
The business owners adopted him from the Tulsa Animal Welfare Shelter in 2015. Everything was normal until recently, when they began finding cash near the front door. It was strange and no one could figure out why the money was there, that is until they tested a theory. They discovered the cat would snatch a dollar if it came through the door slot. Apparently late night partiers walking up and down 3rd had been playing with him and lost their cash through the slot. So they decided to use his talent for a good cause and began donating the money to charity.